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Welcome! I am Kathy McGraw of KMG, a graphic designer, east coast gal transplanted to beautiful southern California/ San Diego. This is some of what inspires me. I like to think of it as a mix of west coast bohemian and east coast folk meets Mumbai meets Paris. I'm drawn to eclectic hand done looks with lots of prints and texture, particularly Indian prints and French style. I love branding, packaging, hand lettering, hand printed designs, block printing, screen printing, letterpress and illustration...




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Entries in Stamping (1)


DESIGN ON A BUDGET: Stamps and Identity Design

If you don't have a big budget for offset printing your identity, consider using stamps as a do-it-yourself alternative. They can give a fun, rustic and hand done feeling to your envelopes, business cards, stationery and even packaging …I have been seeing a lot of this lately and found some nice examples: 1) The Vic stationery design as seen on Lovely Stationery by Australia's Seesaw Design. 2) Brown identity as seen on Communication Arts Exhibit by Colombia's Lip Ltda Lucho Correa. 3) Art & Graft stationery design from London's Collective Approach as seen on Lovely Stationery. 4) Designer James Kape's own identity and stationery design.