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Welcome! I am Kathy McGraw of KMG, a graphic designer, east coast gal transplanted to beautiful southern California/ San Diego. This is some of what inspires me. I like to think of it as a mix of west coast bohemian and east coast folk meets Mumbai meets Paris. I'm drawn to eclectic hand done looks with lots of prints and texture, particularly Indian prints and French style. I love branding, packaging, hand lettering, hand printed designs, block printing, screen printing, letterpress and illustration...




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Entries in meetup (1)


North County Graphic Designers (NCGD): February Meetup

We had a great group of people this morning at the North County Graphic Designers Morning Meetup, (that I am a cofounder of with Erika Firm of Delphine). Christy Fuston from Fuston Creative and Nita Gilson from Gilson Graphics were so nice to show us some of their client and personal work and Guusje Bendeler gave us a tour of her studio Parrallax that was just around the corner! Thank you so much Christy, Nita and Guusje... Sorry for the bad iphone photos... LOL.