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Welcome! I am Kathy McGraw of KMG, a graphic designer, east coast gal transplanted to beautiful southern California/ San Diego. This is some of what inspires me. I like to think of it as a mix of west coast bohemian and east coast folk meets Mumbai meets Paris. I'm drawn to eclectic hand done looks with lots of prints and texture, particularly Indian prints and French style. I love branding, packaging, hand lettering, hand printed designs, block printing, screen printing, letterpress and illustration...




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Entries in karma nonprofit (1)


GOOD KARMA: 30 Days of Yoga to support people with HIV/AIDS in South Africa

30 days of Yoga the Karma Edition What makes this a ‘karma’ edition of 30 days of yoga? Firstly, every dollar earned from the 30 days of yoga in October will go to projects to support people living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. The money will be donated via the Engage Network, the parent organization and 501(c)(3) of Off the Mat, Into the World. Yup, every dollar. Not the profits. Not 10%. Not even 50% will be donated, every dollar you pay to these projects. Secondly: the October 30 days of yoga are on a ‘pay-what-you-can’ basis. The recommended price will be US$100 but you will be able to choose to pay less or more – knowing that all the money will be going to improve the lives of families affected by HIV/AIDs in South Africa. The intention is to give everyone a chance to take part, and at the same time allow people to be as generous as they can. So whether you pay $30 or $300, what matters is the mindfulness with which you choose how much you can pay.